It seems there is significant investment in Poland at the moment.
Off the back of three trips to this country in the space of six weeks, we have reported on several leading player…
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It seems there is significant investment in Poland at the moment.
Off the back of three trips to this country in the space of six weeks, we have reported on several leading player…
Con 3 fábricas, 150 empleados, 1.200 clientes y 77 millones de metros cuadrados de cartón...
Con 3 fábricas, 150 colaboradores, 1.200 clientes y 77 millones de metros cuadrados de cartón...
With 3 factories, 150 collaborators, 1.200 customers and 77 million SQ.M. of corrugated cardboard transformed...
El socio ideal para la impresión flexográfica de alta definición y la tecnología de troquelado rotativo de alta calidad.
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