News25 January 2022
Chroma Print in line for Saica Pack Spain
In November 2015, a new five-color, state-of-the-art Chroma Print High Tech 2100 was installed in line with a new flat bed die cutter in one of Spain’s biggest paper companies. The flexo printer stands out...
Chroma Evo Helps Rigid Boost Productivity
A flexo printer installed in front of an existing diecutter allows rigid containers to increase margin contribution on one of its converting lines at desborough facility…
Chroma High Tech in line with Mastercut. Saica Pack Group
Celmacch installs a Chroma Print printer in line with the new Mastercut 2.1...
Celmacch, a step ahead in technology, promising sales expectation confirmed!
Investing in innovation and technology is essential to face up to new challenges and to be a first-class supplier of flexographic print solutions. For Celmacch, the few last months have been significant with regard to...